Sunday, March 14, 2010

Desert Girl Friday - A Day in the Life of - Part 2

I've just swapped my Landcruiser for the mini bus and I'm outside the Maruku Artist HQ donga's. I let go of the idea of cleaning my floors. I'd vaccumed them and figured I'd mop them that night!

Beep, beep! "Yo! C'mon you mob!"
And like lemmings, all seven Cooley's filed toward the car through the rain. It was 4in the afternoon and we were heading for the town supermarket - IGA Yulara! Nothing too hard and I was sure it would be an easy experience that wouldn't take any more than an hour.

I find myself comparing fabric softeners. Yes, I know, fabric softeners! Moving out of home has been the cause of me doing many a crazy things - like - worrying about the state of my floors!

"Hello malpa girl"
"I know that voice. Hey Aunty Alison"
Chit chat, chit chat, chit chat and a conversation about sugar soap!
"Don't go until I leave to make sure my car starts"
"Oowa palya, no worries"

The Cooley clan are ready to go, it's 5.30 and the kids are tired and hungry. Alison moves slowly and innocently forgets there are people waiting for her!
She hops in, turns the key - nothing. Dead.

"Ah sh*t" I'm thinking. Ben told me not to use the mini bus to jump start a diesel because it would bugger up the electrics, and, that Delica I was driving had a motor with very little power.
However, when you're travelling with blackfellas, you do a lot of things with cars that you're not meant to. Using a flour drum as a seat, filling a tyre tube with pillows and blankets when there's no spare, using a tree branch as an axle when you break one, and using a spanna to steer without a steering wheel are just a few.

So, I drove over and went through the whole process again. Nothing.
"Rev it up dear" She called out.
"I'm up to 5 revs and in the red - I'm gonna blow the motor!"
Billy is playing around under the bonnet while all this is happening.
"This car hasn't got enough power. You need a Toyota or something big to get it going"

We looked in the car park which was full of hire cars - Camrys.
We are then approached by 2 teachers from the college and a channel 9 reporter.
"We've got a Landrover. That should start it. I'll bring it over"
"Bloody English rubbish" Billy whispers to me.
He pops the bonnet. Everything is backwards. Inside and out!
"Battery wiya?" Asked Alison
No-one could find a battery
"It should be under the seat" Billy tried to tell them.
"Nah" said the bloke who was driving it said. "Nothing under the seat"
He hadn't even looked. So, here we are now 10 of us, in the rain, looking for a battery in this bloody Landrover!

"Let's drop this mob and their shopping home, we'll grab the other Landcruiser and we'll drive back and start him up again. Palya?" I asked Alison.
"Yes, ok dear. But look how I parked. You mob will have to push me out and push me back in so I can straighten up"

I take my hat off to anyone who has pushed a Toyota Landcruiser in the rain! It's hard work! We straightened it up and were on our way (again).
We didn't get very far. Of course they all wanted to stop at the service station for litres of chocolate milk, copious amounts of Coke, M&M's, fried chicken and pies. Alison and I sat in the front dry reaching the whole way out to the community!

We arrive back, drop the clan off, swap cars and I put my groceries away. I open the fridge and I am beside myself. Clearly Ben had run out of room in his fridge and thought he'd use my space to house some rabbits he'd shot! They'd not been skinned or gutted. I grabbed the bag and they went flying out the door!

"Alatji! Ok, lets go!"
By now it's almost 8pm. The rain had become heavier and I was exhausted.
We were back in the same spot as I pulled up next to Alisons car. She's fumbling around in the dark looking for something - car keys.
I love her dearly, but she can be so slow.

"Here, give me your handbag, I'll have a look" I told her.
"Are they in your pocket?" I asked her
"Wiya nothing"
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure, look"
"What about your bra?"
"I don't put things in my bra"
"Just check your bra"
"No. Nothing"
"Wait, I'll go and check the ignition" I said
I was grumpy, wet, and tired.
"Let me check your bag again"

"What did you do with them? Where did you put them?"
"I had them in the bus. I put them on the dash board. I must have left them there"
When I was 18, a wise woman named Karen told me "patience is a virtue". I held this thought.

"Ben might bring it out ey?" She asked me
"He's been out bush and he's worked today. He's stuffed"
I ring him. "Hello sweetheart. The dogs said thanks for the rabbits, but that's not why I'm ringing you. Can you please go and check the dash of the bus for Alisons car keys. It's a single Toyota key on a long plaited leather strap?"
"I'll call you back" He sounded buggered.
"I've checked the dash, the glovebox, the floor, under the seats and on the ground. Can't see a key" He told us.
"F*%#%!" was the most appropriate word I could come up with!
"Did she leave 'em in the ignition?"
"No, I checked"
"Are they on the ground where she's parked?"
"No, I checked"
"Are they on the ground where you were parked earlier?" Ben asked me
"Why would they be there?" My patience now wearing thin.
"Go and check"
"Ok" and I went through the rain to where I had parked earlier. I looked down, and sure enough there they were in a puddle!
"I would have found them!" I told him
"What were you saying about my rabbits?"
"Nothing. Gotta go. Bye!"

After another half hour of clamping jump leads and several attempts of revving and starting, we got it going again.
I followed her home to ensure she got back and out I headed back to the community. Third time that day.
It was approaching midnight and I'd wondered where my Saturday had gone?!

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