Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Art of Partnership

"See nana, look how how I'm carving him out. With the axe. Alatjti. You watch me"
Wood chips are flying from the piece of River Red Gum Billy Cooley is carving. And I watch, totally inspired.

To most, this looks like an ordinary branch. But what Billy and his wife Lulu can do with this branch results in something quite extraordinary and beautiful.

Maruku has been asked to provide carved piti bowls to the WA Department of State Development. The bowls are being given as gifts at the World Expo in Shanghai.

Our artists, not shy of a challenge, have been out sourcing the appropriate punu to begin carving bowls. Billy and Lulu are two of them. And, they are currently in residence at Maruku's Artist Headquarters. Ben recently took them out - a place between Amata and Mulga Park across trackless desert in a dried out river bed. They returned - just - after having spiked two tyres! Thankfully, they travelled with 2 spares!

Watching Billy and Lulu work is mezmerising, and, inspiring. That husband and wife, can work and live together - all day - everyday, is such a beautiful thing to see. One doesn't go anywhere without the other. They truly are "one".

Together, they craft wood. Billy splitting them, and carving out the red core with an axe, he hands what is beginning to look like a piti bowl to Lulu. Lulu rasps and smoothes them then sands them down while Billy starts the next one.

Once finished, they are ready for the walka – Lulu has a signature, distinct design that she burns into the outside of the bowl with red hot wire which has been sitting in the hot coals of a fire.

“We work together, see.” Billy says smiling. “I do this one, nana cleans him up”
And they do. They work together, complimenting one another, checking and finishing each others’ work. The art of partnership resulting in something so exquisite and perfect

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