Sunday, March 14, 2010

White Fella Comin'

Yet again, I find myself driving down the dusty, corrugated Great Central Road. This road starts from Docker River and continues to WA. I was heading back to Mutitjulu after having headed out to Warakurna, WA via Docker River - about 1200kms in one day!
I was becoming drowsy and was looking for a place to stop where the sand was hard.
Through my side mirror, I could see "bits of black stuff" flying in the hair and I was very quickly losing speed.

"Hey, must be sumtin wrong ey" Mrs. Porter called out from the back. Old tjilpi Jim was sitting in the front and he smiled and nodded. He'd been moving his hands the whole way, clearing the road of camels and other wild animals.

"Oowa, I think we blown a tyre". I pulled over, jumped out, and sure enough I'd blown the back tyre on the driver's side. There was barely anything left of it.
I was concious of the fact that we were losing light so I fumbled around the back of the Nissan Patrol. I had the jack but couln't see the jack handle anywhere.

"Wanti, leave it. White fella comin"
"White fella where? There's nothing. I can't hear anything" And I continued looking for a jack handle or a pair of plyers to wind the jack.
"Palya, wanti. Dun worry kungka. White fella comin. Siddown"
There's no-one I trust more than those old people when I'm travelling out bush. So, I sat on the side of the road and lit a cigarette.

"Hey, kungka, look" I turned my head, and I could not believe what I saw. A white Toyota travelling towards us! This is incredibly rare.
"White fella here"
"How do you know it's a white fella"? I asked
"White Toyota"
"Aaah, oowa palya" A tad skeptical, I had total faith in her.
These roads are quiet as it is, but to see a car travelling west at 5o'clock in the afternoon is a miracle. Mrs. P stuck her hand out and the white Toyota pulled over. Sure enough, a white fella hopped out, with his white wife, and two white children!
"You did a bloody good job with that! Blown good and proper!" The white fella said.
Within 15 minutes, I had a new tyre (second one that day!) And both our vehicles were back on the road, heading to our destinations before sundown.

During the last 150kms of that trip, I wondered - did Mrs. P know that this white fella was coming, or, did she call for him and manifest him into our dimension?

Photo by Victoria Leontios. Mrs. P, Tjakaruru Road

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