Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Power of Presence

A few day's ago, I began to re-read Ekhart Tolle's The Power of Now.
Like all of the work of Tolle, this book is a journey. You're presented with an opportunity to leave your ego and analytical mind behind as you plunge forward into The Power of Now. You learn, that, what happened in the past, happened in the now. What will happen in the future, will happen in the now. Our lives, happen in the now. He teaches us, that the biggest obstacle to enlightenment and presence, is our mind. Unconsciously, we have allowed our mind to use us, rather than us using it- he refers to this as disease. And, until we can free ourselves from our mind and 'witness' our thoughts, then, we won't experience true enlightenment.

It's a deeply profound and incredibly useful book, and, I'm not doing it any justice with what I'm writing about it, so, I suggest you buy it, and experience it for yourself!

So, presence. Over the weekend, I've become present to many a thing! And, have had some breakthroughs as a result.

By now, you'll all know I'm working for a not-for-profit organisation in a remote Aboriginal Community. Which means it is far from glamorous right? And, you'll also by now know, I moved out of a 2 bedroom, open house into a donga (shipping container) across the road. Definitely not glamorous! (And, for those who think I'm taking an opportunity to harp on about this, quit now! I have accepted this as it is what it is and have turned it into my own)

I've had some problems with the place. The drains are blocked (and smell), the toilet leaks, I have no fly screens on the windows, I have no screen door, the washing machine throws itself across the bathroom and stops mid-cycle, the lino on the floors is old and cracked. I could go on!
My main concern however, have been the fly screens and the washing machine, I could put up with the rest. And, since moving in in February, I've put up with the lot.

Why didn't I ask to have these things repaired? Well, firstly, I've never been great at asking for what I want; of myself or others. And secondly, there's the guilt of working for a not-for-profit organisation and not wanting to spend money on things for oneself.

However, I was reminded that we all pay into a 'maintenance fund' for such repairs. So, on Friday morning I asked. I asked for screens, repairs, and, a new washing machine. That afternoon, I had two tradesmen at my house 'assessing' what was required.

These desert women (and men) out here have mastery over presence, and, asking for what they want! They are only ever in the now. They are never in yesterday, or last week, or 2 years ago, or tomorrow. They're only ever in the now. When they go to the grocery store, they are only ever in the now and buy only the food they require for that day. They practice stillness and are able to dissociate themselves from their minds in a split second, on command!

They also have this almost magical ability to ask for what they want and have it manifested. You could be in the middle of the desert, bogged in the sand, and behind a tree, find a shovel to dig you out. I've seen it. They get so aligned, so present, they attract whatever they want into their space. And, leave the rest of us wondering what the hell happened!

I have been incredibly fortunate this weekend. For the first time, in many months, I have been able to practice stillness. Apart from a trip down the road to drop off Pantjiti and Elsie, I didn't leave the house. A huge breakthrough. And, a result of me becoming present to 'this is what I need'. I created the space to have time to acknowledge and honour myself. To re-fuel, re-energize, re-align and re-ignite. Today, i was able to look at myself, and what I'm creating.

Through the social media realms of Facebook, most of you will know that I've 'put out there' for an opportunity to spend some time at the Borneo Orangutan Survival Sanctuary (BOS) in Indonesia. This is something I've often thought about over the years. Not as a possibility. Just as a "wouldn't that be nice, keep dreaming Victoria". Today, I got 'present' to; "If I want this, I can create it". Funnily enough, I'd already added this to my vision board - a "Creative Visualisation" tool (another great book by Shakti Gawain). My vision board comprises of images, words, articles and affirmations of things I want to achieve.

This is the magic of this. When I did get 'present' to the possibility that I could create this, anything related to (BOS) was starting to show up everywhere! I opened up a magazine on my kitchen table - a BOS ad, a friends page on Facebook - a BOS link, the Sydney Morning Herald online - an ad to 'Save the Orangutans', in my inbox - information on another orangutan sanctuary. Are we getting the picture....?
These signs show up when we are in a state of presence. They showed up because I was present to 'this is what I want to create'.

Am I always present? I try to be. And, when I'm not, either one of these old women will call me on it, or, I get conscious and get myself anchored.

Presence is the most powerful place to operate from. It's where creations are birthed, and from where magic occurs. Try it!

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